Thursday 9 June 2016


Ok, so this post is a little more off topic (as if any of my posts so far have really linked together anyway, hahah). But, recently I've realised that I tend to hold back a lot on doing what I love because I'm so afraid of what other people might say or think about it.

I've never really perused any of my passions and I've only really realised this recently because I've noticed everyone else around me perusing there dreams and passions. My sister has recently started to persue her passion of wrestling, fitness and modelling. My older brother has his music and my younger brother goes skateboarding almost everyday.

I mean, obviously I followed my interest in psychology by going to Uni butI have never fully followed what I wanted to do and what I'm interested in such as hobbies because I'm always so worried that everyone will think that it's dumb or stupid. But, I don't want that to hold me back anymore which is why I'm trying to get this blog going and organise what to write on here. So I'm hoping that this blog will get better and better soon. Just need to decide what I want to write about.

If anyone could give me some tips on what to write about and how to improve my blog it would be very much appreciated!

Talk soon,

Haz x

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Lunching in the sun 🌞

So, on Sunday the sun managed to heat up Bristol to about 25°c, which considering the last few weeks have only been about 15°c and cloudy was very hot for us!! My boyfriend had just got back from his holiday on saturday so we decided to go out for a lunch date!
I suggested we went to grupo lounge in Westbury Village and it was honestly the best lunch ever! I had a tomato and mozerella panini with sweet potato fries and a berry delight drink! We sat out on the little terrace upstairs and it was so lovely! The food was so yummy and there was so much variety! They even do separate kids, vegan and vegetarian menus! I would definitely recommend popping in even if it's just for a drink!

Go check out their twitter:
and Facebook:


Wednesday 30 March 2016


So, I'm really struggling right now because everyone else is back in their hometowns with their family for the Easter break, but I'm stuck here at Uni because I have to work. It just really sucks being in a flat all on own and just wishing I could be back with my family 😔 oh well, just need to stick it out for one more week, we'll see if I survive 😂

Sunday 31 January 2016

Before reality hits tomorrow

So tomorrow uni lectures are starting back and I don't think I'm ready to get back to it🙈 However, I've had the best weekend to round off my 2 weeks off! Yesterday my boyfriend and I cooked a lasagne together and watched movies which was lovely! Then today we went to the beach and then headed to town for some lunch. It's just been amazing to hang out with him for a little while before I have to get back to the reality of lectures and assignments!

Thursday 21 January 2016

No more exams...

So finally it's that time again, my exams are finally over and everyone else's are slowly coming to an end. So, to celebrate, my boyfriend and I are heading away for a few nights and then I'm back to Uni to party with my favourite people!!

I can't wait🙊🎉🙌